The Yale Anthology of Twentieth-Century French Poetry

(WallPaper) #1

Max Jacob

Pray for the little acrobat with the yellow
cross, who envied a toad, pray

for him, an angel on days of defeat and
the cupbearer’s laboratory animal

Cyprien there, Max here, clown who’s bold
as an egg beneath his hat and weeps when bald

weeps blood and water all the Saviour’s wounds
and then switches skins, black in Paris, white

in St-Benoît, a rainbow at Drancy
to celebrate the harlequin’s mass

which opens Paradise. Pray for Max
king of Boeotia and prince of poets

who prayed so much for us, repeating that one breast
may stand in for another one, that beneath

the mask there’s only one truth hidden
the same one: ‘‘We’re going to die in a while.’’
—marilyn hacker

The Raising of Icarus: Envoi

I remember how the child was tugging his mother
by the arm, from left to right, a real
little circus horse, and how she

continued walking, a proud, deaf statue
whose head, cut o√ in another era
had rolled amidst the fruits and vegetables

into the basket hooked over her arm
with the plans, the loves, the thousand and one
nights of waiting, stacked on an unseen shelf

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