Methods in Molecular Biology • 16 Enzymes of Molecular Biology

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Mung-Bean Nuclease I 259

5' end~
3' end


3' end
5' end

Fig. 1. Conversion of protruding termini to blunt ends.

  1. Experimental Procedures
    for Removal of Protruding Tails
    from Double-Stranded DNA
    This technique is also known as "blunt-ending" and is performed to
    remove single-stranded"tails" left by digestion with a restriction enzyme,
    usually prior to cleavage of the DNA with another restriction enzyme. The
    following protocol is one modified from Maniatis et al. (1989) as part of
    a larger protocol for engineering a restriction site.
    3.1. Materials

  2. 10X Mung-bean nuclease buffer:

  • 300 mM Sodium acetate (pH 4.5)

  • 500 mM Sodium chloride (NaCI)

  • 10 mM Zinc chloride (ZnCI2)

  • 50% Glycerol

  1. 10 mM Tris-HC1 (pH 7.5).

  2. Mung-bean nuclease 1.5U/I.tL.
    3.2. Methods
    For 5 lag of the DNAto be cleaved in 10 lxLof 10 mM Tris-HC1 (pH
    7.5), digest with mung-bean nuclease to generate a blunt end as follows:

  3. Mix the 10 ilL of DNA with:
    10X mung-bean nuclease buffer 2 laL
    Mung-bean nuclease (1.5 U/laL) 2.5 laL
    H20 5.5 pL

  4. Incubate the reaction for 1 h at 37°C.

  5. Extract the reaction once with phenol:chloroform, and transfer the aque-
    ous phase to a fresh microfuge tube.

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