(^) Les Brown
little bit about your early life and who was responsible f or your
Well, I was born in a poor section of Miami, Florida, called Libe rty
City. I was born on the floor of an abandoned building along with a
twin brother. When we were six weeks of age, w e were adopted. When I
was in the fifth grade I was identified as EMR (Educable Mentally
Retarded) and put back into the fourth grade. I failed again when I was
in the eighth grade.
I attribute everything th at I’ve accomplished to my mother.
Whenever I give a presentation I always quote Abraham Lincoln by
saying, “All that I am and all that I ever hope to be, I owe to my
mother.” I saw a sign once th at said, “God took me out of my biological
mother ’s womb and placed me in the heart of my adopted mother.” I
love my adopted mother’s faith, her character, her drive, h er dedication,
and h er willingness to do whatever it took to raise seven children by
her self. She only h ad a third grade education but she had a Ph.D. in
mother ing.
If I remember correctly, you were diagnosed at the age of thirty-six
with dyslexia. How did that happen?
No, I was never diagnosed with dyslexia; but I was in special
education from fourth grad e all the way through my senior year in high
school. My formal education ended at that time; but I became very
much interested in personal development tapes and books because o f a
high school teacher who challenged me to do something in a class. I
to ld him I couldn’t do it and he insisted that I could.
Finally, I said, “I can’t because I’m Educable Mentally Retarded.”
He said, “Don’t ever say that again. Someone’s opinion of you does
not have to become your reality.”
This teacher’s name was Mr. Leroy Washington and h e’s still around
today. O ne of the things he emphasized to all of his s tudents was that
chris devlin
(Chris Devlin)