Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

(^) Mastering the Art of Success
you don’t get in life what you want—you get in life what y ou are. What
you achieve—what you produce in life—is a reflecti on of your growth
and development as a person. So you must invest in yourself.
He often quoted scripture by saying, “Be ye not conformed to this
world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind... ”
(Romans 12 :2). He said most p eople fail in life because “they don’t
know that they don’t know and they think they know”—they suffer
fr om mental maln utriti on. He said take the time each day to develop
your mind, read ten to fifteen pages of something positive every day,
and find some goals that are beyond your comfort zone that can
challenge you to reinvent yourself. He told his students that in order to
do something you’ve never done, you’ve got to be someone you’ve
never been. He told us the possibilities of what you could a chieve by
developing your mind and developing your communication skills
(because once you open your mouth you tell the world who you are).
You can really begin to climb the ladder of success and do things that
will literally amaze you.
So your education is s elf-education.
Listening to tapes and reading books and th at sort of thing?
Yes. Going to seminars and then testing and experimenting. I th ink
it’s very important that people experiment with their lives and find out
what it is that works for them—what gives their lives a sense of joy and
meaning. What is it that brings music to your life? That way you’re able
to discover some talent s, abilities, and skills you don’t even realize you

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