(^) Mastering the Art of Success
went and bought the letters and lettered my car, so my car had Avon
and my phone number on it.
Over the years it’s just gotten more and more elaborate—my car is
like a rolling billboard. It has my name, my company name, and my
ph one number and now it has the Web site address, too. I have gone
fr om the lettering to magnetic signs. I also have a sign on the roof, like a
pizza sign, that says Avon. Ri ght now, I have a complete car wrap, the
entire car is wrapped with a sticker. I see other companies doing that,
that’s why I do it.
I do things like that such as the adopt a highway program in my area
because it has Avon and my name right on the sign. I’m in the chamber
of commerce because I see other companies doing it. I have a big sign
on my lawn, I wear logo shirts because I see other companies doing it. I
run ads in the newspaper. I continuously look to see what other
companies are doing and then I adopt those ideas, sometimes in a
di fferent way or on a smaller scale to fit my direct sales business.
My goal was to make sure at the beginning that everybody within a
ten-mile radius would know that I was the Avon representative here. It
was funny because when I first moved here, there were seven thousand
people and fifteen Avon representatives. When I first heard that,
nu mber , I thought, “Oh geez, this could go one of two ways—either I'm
going to sink hard and not do anything or I’m go ing to convince
everybody in town that I ’m the only one.
So I chose the second option. What’s funny is I actually had some
proof that this has worked out because when I moved a few y ears back
out of the trailer park, somebody had sent a bill. It just said W & W
Building, which is my ex-husband’s company. Somebody had written on
there, “Forward to the Avon lady.” that ’s all they put and they brought
th at letter to me, and it didn’t have my last name on it or anything and
ev en though there are still fifteen Avon representatives in Weare, New
Hampshire, at the post o ffice, they brought it to me. To me, that was
proof that they thought I was it. That’s exactly what I want is for people
to see the company name and to immediately think of me. So I think
everybody can do that. It’s called branding. They’re trying to get
everybody in their area to know that they’re the one.
chris devlin
(Chris Devlin)