Laura Posey
I’m the person who comes in with the great ideas and I’m the one
who can light a fire under people and get them motivated. I can get
th em p syched up and get th em focused. I can get them energized about
doing what needs to be done, but I’m not the detail person. Luckily
there are other people who are great at that and they love that. So I
have a team of people who are great at the implementation.
When you allow yourself to be who you truly are, to live your core
values, and work in ways that tap into your natural abilities and talents,
you’ll find that success comes much more easily and more quickly
th an if you try to be someone or something that y ou aren’t.
I’ve heard that it is easy to be successful if you care about
something. What is your experience with that? Do you see that as a key
component in s ucces s?
A key characteristic of successful people I’ve studied is that they are
all passionate about what they do. They work because they love the
work and the results, not because they are chasing money or
I’m reminded of a wonderful quote by James Barrie: “Nothing is
really work unless you’d rather be doing something else.”
I’ve had many careers in my short life. I used to cook for a number
of years but stopped when I realized I didn’t have the passion to
become a great chef. As a result, cooking in a restaurant felt like work,
not fun.
Later in life I sold cars and then insur ance for several years. While I
enjoyed meeting n ew p eople and the thrill of making someone happy
through a purchase, I still didn’t feel passionate about what I was paid
to do.
I took a turn in sales management, still looking for my passion. It
was there that I discovered a deep love of helping people grow and
become what they are capable of being. I loved working with my agents
and watching them succeed in so many ways. But working in a large