how vast the difference is”
A2 PERSONALITY “I am an offtrait has brought out both the good and the bad”-the-chart I (introvert) ... that character
A2 LEARNISELFAWARENG “learning the path of discovery for myself”
A2 MENTORING “we don’t have a strong mentorship system for
A8 EIPRESSURE “they were making sure that I could stumble but I
couldn’t fall”
A8 STORYTELLING “we’ve lost a lot of that (story telling as connection)
... there are a lot of those stories”
A4 CASESTUDIES “I’ve never managed (a conflict) before but here’s
kind of what I learned from a classroom setting”
A7 STORYTELLING “storytelling as a way of conveying experiences”
Theme 2: EI Experiences are Socially Constructed
experiences were viewed by participants as a social construction. Relating to and
effectively dealing with others, connecting with people on an emotional level, mentoring,
and family influence are some of the social constructs that are elaborated in Table 4.6.
This theme’s essence amplifies the interpersonal connection embedded in EI and in
leadership. Being an effective leader encompasses having similarly effective
relationship-building, connection, and sustainment skills.
Table 4. 6
4.6 Representative Theme 2 Statements
Participant Descriptive Code In Vivo Statement
A8 EIOTHERS “ability to work as a group with other people who are
dedicated to a common goal”
Participant R8
“you don’t have to do a lot to connect with people,
but you do have to do something that shows them you
feel they’re important and they’ll respond”
Participant A7
“the ability to get along with people and the desire to
deal with people of diverse backgrounds and diverse
skill sets has increased substantially”
A8 EIOTHERS “my job should be helping ... them”
R4 SHADOWING “marveling at what he could see and how he could do it”