Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

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Appendix A: Interview Protocol

Date and Time:
Location of Interview:

(^) Thank you for agreeing to speak with me for the next hour. A pseudonym will be
used, and your individual responses will be kept confidential. With your permission, this
interview will be digitally recorded for the purposes of transcribing and analyzing the
data for use in my dissertation. You can stop the interview at any time for any reason.
(^) To begin, I would like to share with you what I hope to learn from my research. I
am interested in your experiences, as an effective Federal government leader, in
developing your emotional intelligence. For this study, EI is defined as: A convergence
of learned abilities that facilitate (a) the accurate knowledge and value of self, as well as
responsiblerelationships, (c) the actions based on ability to work well with others, and (d) productive reactions to the personal worth and dignity, (b) a variety of strong, healthy
demands and pressures of everyday life and work.
There are strong connections between EI and effective leadership, yet surveys
have government leaders. Based on your proven success as a leader and your score on an revealed that EI-related skills are not widespread strengths within Federal
instrument that indicates your strong EI attributes, I will be asking you a series of
questions aimed at discerning your meaningful EI developmental experiences.
RQ: What are the experiences of effective Federal government leaders in
developing their emotional intelligence1. What do you find attractive about working for the Federal government? (^)?

  1. How do you feel about winning the Presidential Rank Award?

  2. How did the Personal Excellence Map – the instrument that you took through the
    Survey Monkey link you received – resonate with you, in terms of EI?
    4.5. In what ways has your emotional intelligence changedWhat specific work and developmental experiences helped shape your emotional?
    a) What was the situation or context in which that experience occurred?
    b) Why did that experience matter?
    c)d) What did you learn about that experience?Was someone else involved? If so, what role did they play in your emotional

  3. What experience would you design for someone to develop their emotional
    7.8. Out of everything we discussed, what was most important?Is there anything that I did not ask you about that you think has been important for
    your success as a leader when it comes to EI?

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