Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

(backadmin) #1

interestingly was incredibly wellof service. Now we didn’t wait for 50 years or 40 -received was years
years with 20 years, everybody with 30 years. And what – we had everybody with 10 years, everybody
people liked about it was, it was completely egalitarian. All you had to do was show up. The
honor awards, the presidential awards, they go the people who are highly visible. And everybody
knowand some people envy them. But most people know s who they are – some people admire them,
they’re not them. But here was something that everybody could compete equally and get
recognized for much more than I would have– and they liked their 10 year pin, thought. So again, it
is saying “there’s something special about YOU that is important.” And people respond to that.

(^) I’ll say the last example is, I have some consultants
I used, and executive coaches very helpful to me. One of the things ... I asked – very good and very,
them for ideas, and they were in one place that went through a lot of turmoil. They noticed there was
one division divisions depending on how you count them – any large agency has 10, 20, 50 – there
was one division was calm and everbouncing off the walls. So they kind of looked ybody else was
around to see what was different down there what was different was that the director of that – and
division held a meeting every Monday morning at 9 o’clock with his division staff – whoever wanted to
come. And he would tell them whatever he knew or what was going on. He asked for any question they
had, he said “he didn’t know” if he didn’t. And then they all went back to work. And I said “well, I can’t
do that every week, but I bet you I coevery month”. And I set up a standing meeting with uld do that
the staff – in the beginning it was with whoever
Everybody involved
(^) Egalitarian
People are special
Executive coaches
Calm division vs. chaos
(^) Communicate
it. It’s OK to find ways to show it.”
(^) “people respond to that”

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