Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

(backadmin) #1

the county, the state and local government people, the law enforcement people, the emergency
management people offer be it big or small. But at the end of the day I – all of whom had something to
got to understand a little bit about what really makes a community in the United States tick, and I can tell
you that there are things that I learned in that town 30 years ago that helped me to understand what
(because it’s the same. That experience to me, has name) did in a press conference a few minutes ago
always been a defining period for me, in the jointness jobs that I got as a senior officer in the
(in tagency namehe 10 years that I’ve been in the () and in all of this (agency nameagency name) stuff )
business that experience what I started to learn there has been very, very valuable and very defining. And
why do I say it’s defining? It’s back to this peoplebased, this understanding people – that’s when I -
started to learn that people other than people in the (agency name) did things the right way, and that
there were very smart people out there, and many different organizations that were just as good or
better at certain things, and that you could not maany type of determination on a person or a process ke
or an element or a team based on them being different than you or not a member of your
organization. And the differences are broadof things, such as doctrinal base, how they dressed, -range
how they loThat was the point when I started to learn there was ok, their race, their age – all of that.
the rest of the world out there. The rest of the world, while very different, did some things as well
or better, some things not as well, but it was not easy to evaluate it based on what was different.

(^) The second thing that I did was I was a joint officer
in the (agency name) which meant that I went to
(^) Understanding
Defining moment
(^) Valuable
AppearanceDemographic (^)
(^) Environment
(^) “this people-based, this understanding
people that (other) people did things the right – that’s when I started to learn
way, and that there were very smart people out there ... and that you could
not make a person or a process or an element or a any type of determination on
team based on them being different than you or not a member of your

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