Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

(backadmin) #1

(^) A9: You know ... if it happened, I wasn’t aware of
it. I wasn’t thinking in those terms, right? The terms that I can think about are, that I’m ... I try to
be a learning person and no matter what situation I’m in, I try to learn from it. And so I’m sure there
was specifically focused on making me a more always an undercurrent of that, but it wasn’t
emotionally intelligent person. It was just part of the process. And that may be – I don’t know what
you’re finding from your research suspect that ... there are some people who are not ... – but I would
capable of maturing their emotional intelligence. I’m thinking of folks like, you know, who are
borderline personality disorder or bipolar. (sentence redacted) She’s now a social worker in next
(but (locationrest of sentence redacted) and has very high emotional intelligence ). And I think I know
other people who are just ... I’d say you can give them all the training in the world (chuckle) and it
ain’t gonna happen.
(^) Accidental
Learning (situational)
EI maturity
(^) “if it happened, I wasn’t aware of it”
(^) “I try to be a learning person and no
matter what the situation, I try to learn from it”
“there are some people who are not capable of maturing their emotional
“you can give them all the training in the world and it ain’t gonna happen”
R1 I think building relationships, because I had to get really close to my advisors, professors, and resource
people continued to do throughout my career – to show my value. I think that’s what I – to
understand what they needed and give it to them. I learned that skill in college that served me very,
very well in government is to understand how you make somebody successful. That your success
relates to someone else, up to a point: you can’t compromise your values or beliefs – but you can do
things don’t agree with and come up with a balanced view – write papers, do research – even things you
on whatever the issue is. You need a balanced
Relationship building
AdvisorsProfessors (^)
ResourcesShow value (^)
Success depends on
othersUncom (^) pro-
mising values or beliefs
Balanced view
“you can’t compromise your values or beliefs”

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