Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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25 Biochemistry of Milk Processing 471

multi-stage, with integrated or external fluidised bed drying
steps, choice of atomiser, air inlet and outlet temperatures) de-
pends on the final product characteristics required. Because of
a wide range of applications of milk powders, from simple re-
constitution to use in cheese manufacture or incorporation as an
ingredient into complex food products, the precise functionality
required for a powder can vary widely.
Skim milk powders (SMP) are usually classified on the basis
of heat treatment (mostly meaning the intensity of preheating
during manufacture), which influences their flavour and solubil-
ity (Car ́ıc and Kalab 1987, Kyle 1993, Pellegrino et al. 1995).
Instant powders (readily dispersible in cold or warm water) are
desirable for applications requiring reconstitution in the home,
and are produced by careful production of agglomerated pow-
ders containing an extensive network of air spaces that can fill
rapidly with water on contact (Pisecky 1997). A number of ́
techniques are used to produce agglomerated powders, includ-
ing feeding fines (small powder particles) back to the atomisa-
tion zone during drying (in straight-through agglomeration pro-
cesses) or wetting dry powder in chambers that promote aggre-
gation of moistened particles that, when subsequently dried, pro-
duce porous agglomerated powder particles (rewet processes).
Milk powder contains occluded air (i.e., contained in vacuoles
within individual powder particles) and interstitial air (i.e., en-
trapped between neighbouring powder particles). The amount of
occluded air depends on the heat treatment applied to the feed
(whey protein denaturation affects foaming properties), method
of atomisation and outlet air temperature, while the interstitial
air content of a powder depends on the size, shape and surface
geometry of individual powder particles. The drying process can
be manipulated (e.g., by using multiple stages or by returning
fines to the atomisation zone) to increase the levels of interstitial
and occluded air and instantise the powder (Kelly et al. 2003).
In the case of whole milk powders (WMP), a key characteristic
is the state of the milk fat, whether fully emulsified or partially
in free form (the latter is desirable for WMP used in choco-
late manufacture). The production of instant WMP requires the
use of an amphiphilic additive such as lecithin, as well as ag-
glomeration, to overcome the intrinsic hydrophobicity of milk
fat (Jensen 1975, Kim et al. 2009). Lecithin may be added ei-
ther during multi-stage drying of milk (between the main drying
chamber and the fluidised bed dryer) or separately in a rewet
During spray-drying of milk, there is relatively little change
in milk proteins, apart from that caused by preheating and evap-
oration. The constituent most affected by the drying stageper se
is probably lactose that, on the rapid removal of moisture from
the matrix, assumes an amorphous glassy state, which is hygro-
scopic and can readily absorb moisture if the powder is exposed
to a high relative humidity. This can result in the crystallisation
of lactose, with a concomitant uptake of water, which can cause
caking and plasticisation of the powder (Kelly et al. 2003).
Amorphous lactose is the principal constituent of both SMP
and WMP and forms the continuous matrix in which proteins, fat
globules and air vacuoles are dispersed. In products containing a
very high level of lactose (e.g., whey powders, SMP), the lactose
may be pre-crystallised to avoid the formation of an amorphous

glass. Usually, small lactose crystals are added to milk or whey
concentrate prior to drying to promote crystallisation under rel-
atively mild conditions (i.e., in the liquid rather than the powder
form); the added crystals act as nuclei for crystallisation.

Freezing of Milk

When milk is cooled to temperatures below approximately
–0.54◦C, pure ice crystals form, and the remainder of the milk,
thus, becomes progressively more concentrated at lower tem-
peratures. This results in changes in milk that are analogous
to those occurring on concentration by other means, including
decrease in pH and increase in Ca^2 +activity. At temperatures
below approximately –23◦C, the non-frozen portion of milk is
in a glassy state, and changes cease, due to diffusion coefficients
being close to zero. On thawing of frozen milk, aggregation of
casein micelles due to salting out may occur, as may clumping of
fat globules, due to mechanical damage to globule membranes
by ice crystals.



About 35% of total world milk production is used to produce
cheese (∼ 16 × 106 tonnes per annum), mainly in Europe, North
and South America, Australia and New Zealand. Cheese man-
ufacture essentially involves coagulating the casein micelles to
form a gel that entraps the fat globules, if present; when the
gel is cut or broken the casein network contracts (synereses),
expelling whey. The resulting curds may be consumed fresh as
mild-flavoured products, or ripened for a period ranging from
2 weeks, for example for Mozzarella, to>2 years, for example
for Parmigiano-Reggiano.
Cheese is undoubtedly the most biochemically complex dairy
product. However, since the action of rennet on milk and dairy
fermentations are described in Chapters 33 and 27, respectively,
only a brief summary is given here. For more detailed discus-
sion of the science and technology of cheesemaking, see also
Robinson and Wilbey (1998), Law (1999), Eck and Gillis (2000)
and Fox et al. (2004), McSweeney (2007) and a number of arti-
cles in the Encyclopedia of Dairy Science (2011).
The coagulation of milk for cheese is achieved by one of three

  1. Rennet-induced coagulation, which is used for most
    ripened cheeses, and accounts for approximately 75% of
    total cheese production,

  2. Acidification to pH approximately 4.6 at 30–36◦Cbyin
    situproduction of acid by fermentation of lactose to lac-
    tic acid by lactic acid bacteria (LAB;Lactococcus,Lac-
    tobacillusorStreptococcus) or direct acidification with
    acid or acidogen (e.g., gluconic acid-δ-lactone). Most
    acid-coagulated cheeses are consumed fresh and repre-
    sent approximately 25% of total cheese production. Major
    examples of acid-coagulated cheeses are Cottage, Quarg
    and Cream cheeses,

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