Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

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30 Non-Enzymatic Browning in Cookies, Crackers and Breakfast Cereals 591

content, pH and heat treatment intensity of the process. Since
cookies, crackers and breakfast cereal samples may contain vari-
able amounts of maltose, the usefulness of maltulose as indica-
tor of heat treatment might be questionable. Previous studies on
the formation of maltulose during heating of enteral formulas
(Garc ́ıa-Ba ̃nos et al. 2002) pointed out that values of the ratio
maltose:maltulose were similar in samples with different mal-
tose content submitted to the same heat treatment. Therefore,
the ratio maltose: maltulose is an adequate parameter for com-
paring samples with different initial maltose contents. Because
maltose isomerisation increases with pH, only in samples with
similar pH, differences in maltose: maltulose ratio can be due
to different heat processing conditions. These results, shown by
Rada-Mendoza et al. (2004), seem to indicate that the ratio mal-
tose: maltulose can allow the differentiation among commercial
cereal-based products and may serve as an indicator of the heat
load during its manufacture.


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