Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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618 Part 5: Fruits, Vegetables, and Cereals

Figure 32.5.Outline of the pathway of plastidial starch degradation. The scheme is mainly based on recent molecular studies inArabidopsis
leaves (Ritte et al. 2002, Smith et al. 2003, Chia et al. 2004). After phosphorylation of glucans on the surface of the starch granule via glucan
water dikinase (GWD; R1-protein), starch granules are attacked most probably byα-amylase and the resulting branched glucans
subsequently converted to unbranchedα-1,4-glucans via debranching enzymes (isoamylase and pullulanase). Linear glucans are
metabolized by the concerted action ofβ-amylase and disproportionating enzyme (D-enzyme, glucan transferase) to maltose and glucose.
The phosphorolytic degradation of linear glucans to Glc-1-P (glucose-1-phosphate) byα-1-4-glucan phosphorylase (α-1-4-GP) is also
possible, but seems of minor importance under normal conditions. Most of the carbon resulting from starch degradation leaves the chloroplast
via a maltose transporter in the inner membrane. Subsequent cytosolic metabolism of maltose involves the combined action of glucan
transferase (D-enzyme),α-1-4-glucan phosphorylase (α-1-4-GP), and hexokinase (HK). Glucose transporter (GTP) and
triose-P/Pi-translocator (TPT) are also shown.

be very stable and relatively resistant against enzymatic action
in vitro.
More recently, molecular and genetic approaches have al-
lowed rapid progress in clarifying the route of starch degra-
dation in leaves of the model speciesArabidopsis thaliana
(Fig. 32.5). The phosphorylation of starch granules by glucan
water dikinase (GWD, R1) has been found to be essential for the
initiation of starch degradation in leaves and tubers (Ritte et al.
2002, Ritte et al. 2004). Transgenic potato plants (Lorberth et al.
1998) andArabidopsismutants (Yu et al. 2001) with decreased
GWD activity showed a decrease in starch-bound phosphate and
were severely restricted in their ability to degrade starch, lead-
ing to increased starch accumulation in leaves. The underlying
mechanisms are still unknown. Phosphorylation of starch may
change the structure of the granule surface to make it more sus-
ceptible to enzymatic attack or may regulate the extent to which
degradative enzymes can attack the granule.
It is generally assumed that the initial attack on the starch
granule is catalyzed byα-amylase (endoamylase). This enzyme

catalyzes the internal cleavage of glucan chains from amylose or
amylopectin, yielding branched and unbranchedα-1,4-glucans,
which are then subject to further digestion (Fig. 32.5). De-
branching enzymes (isoamylase and pullulanase) are needed
to convert branched glucans into linear glucans by cleaving the
α-1,6 branch points. Further metabolism of linear glucans could
involve phosphorolytic or hydrolytic routes. In the first case,
α-glucan phosphorylase leads to the phosphorolytic release of
Glc1-P, which can be further metabolized to triose-P within the
chloroplast and subsequently exported to the cytosol via the
triose-P/Pitranslocator. Recent results show that the contribu-
tion ofα-glucan phosphorylase to plastidial starch degradation
is relatively small. Removal of the plastidial form of phospho-
rylase inArabidopsisdid not affect starch degradation in leaves
ofArabidopsis(Zeeman et al. 2004) and potato (Sonnewald
et al. 1995). It has been suggested that the phosphorolytic path-
way could be more important to degrading starch under certain
stress conditions (i.e., water stress; Zeeman et al. 2004). How-
ever, no regulatory properties have been described for glucan
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