Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

BLBS102-c38 BLBS102-Simpson March 21, 2012 14:17 Trim: 276mm X 219mm Printer Name: Yet to Come

730 Part 7: Food Processing

Table 38.3.Probability of Residual Fraction Survivors
after MultipleDValues

DVa l u e (No= 103 )

Probability of Residual
Fraction Survivors After
90% of Destruction

1 D 102
2 D 101
3 D 100
4 D 10 −^1
5 D 10 −^2
nD 10 n−^3

calculated from the time interval onx-axis between which the
straight-line portion of the curve on they-axis shows a reduction
by logarithmic unit. For instance, as indicated in Figure 38.1
the number of survivor microorganisms is reduced from 100
(two logarithmic unit) to 10 (one logarithmic unit) in approx-
imate time interval of 10 minutes (24–14 minutes), which is
theDvalue at a given constant temperature. However, in to-
day’s computer era, theDvalue can be obtained from a log
(N) versustcomputer graph on a spreadsheet as the negative
reciprocal slope. The logarithmic nature of the survivor curve
indicates that complete destruction of microbial population is
not theoretically possible; a decimal fraction of the popula-
tion should remain even after an infinite number ofDvalues
(Table 38.3).
Thermal death time (TDT) is another concept that is com-
monly used in thermal processing of food. The concept some-
what contradicts the logarithmic destruction approach. As com-
pared to decimal reduction concept, TDT is the minimum heat-
ing time required to cause complete destruction of a microbial
population. In sequential study with microbial destruction as
a function of time (at a given temperature), TDT then repre-
sents a time between the shortest destruction and the longest
survival times. The difference between the two is sequentially
reduced or geometrically averaged to get an estimate of TDT.
The “death” in this instance generally indicates the failure of a
given microbial population, after the heat treatment, to show a
positive growth in the subculture media. Comparing the TDT
approach with the decimal reduction approach, one can easily
recognize that TDT value depends on the initial microbial load
(whereasDvalue does not). Further, if TDT is always measured
with reference to a standard initial load or load reduction, it
would simply represent a certain multiple ofDvalue. For exam-
ple, ifTDTrepresented the time to reduce the population from
N 0 = 102 toN= 10 −^1 , then TDT is a measure of 3Dvalues
(Figure 38.2). On the other hand, if it is based on 10^4 –10−^6 ,it
would represent a 10Dvalue. Therefore, TDT is a multiple ofD
(TDT=nD, werenis the number of decimal reductions).

Temperature Dependency of Kinetic Parameters

TheDvalue (and TDT) is strongly dependent on the temperature
applied during heating of bacterial suspension. Higher temper-





0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (min)






Figure 38.2.MultipleDand TDT.

atures will give shorterDvalues and vice versa. Temperature
dependency of kinematic parameters is expressed in terms ofD-
zor TDT-zmodels. By plotting the variousD-values (or TDT)
against temperature, again on a logarithmic scale, thez-value can
be obtained as temperature range for theD-value (or TDT) curve
to pass through one log cycle (Fig. 38.3). In this concept, the
temperature sensitivity indicator is defined as thezvalue. Phys-
ically,zrepresents the temperature change need to increase or
decrease the decimal reduction time (or TDT) by a factor of 10.





100 110 120 130
Temperature (°C)


log D-value

log (100) – log (10) = 1

Figure 38.3.Dvalue versus temperature curve andzvalue.
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