Food Biochemistry and Food Processing (2 edition)

(Steven Felgate) #1

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888 Index

Hydrolases, 110
Hydrological cycle, 104–5
Hydrolysis, 99–100
Hydroperoxide lyase, 577
Hydrophilic effects, 98
Hydrophobic amino acids, 690
Hydrophobic effects, 98
Hydrophobic peptides, 690
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutary1-coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA
reductase), 715
Hydroxymethylbilane (HMB), 706
Hydroxymethylfurfural, 584
β-hydroxypropionic aldehyde, 605
Hygiene hypothesis, 809
Hypersensitivity reactions, 799
Hypoallergenic infant formulae, 803
Hypochlorites, 581
Hypotaurine, 60
Hypotension, 800, 805

IC 50 , 688
Ice cream, 482–3
Ice vapor pressure, 90–91
IFT,see alsoInstitute of Food Technologists
IgE antibodies, 799
IgE binding, 802, 804
IgE cross-reactivity, 802
IgE-mediated cereal allergy, 799, 807–8
IgG antibody, 804, 863
Imino acids, 380–81
Immobilised goat anti-mouse polyclonal antibody, 871
Immobilized enzymes, 150–53
Immune response, 821
Immunoassay, 869
Immunoblotting, 811
Immunochromatic assay, 843
Immunodetection-based strategies, 842, 870
Immunogen, 864
Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies, 799
Immunoglobulins, 14, 457, 505, 801, 862, 871
Immunological diseases, 692, 799–800
Immunomagnetic separation (IMS), 843, 870
Immunomodulatory activity, 686, 692
Immuno-PCR assay, 845
Immunoprecipitation, 843
Immunorecognition, 847, 864, 870
Immunostimulatory cytokine, 692
Immunosuppressing drugs, 796
Immuofluorescent assay, 843
IMP, 250–51
Indicaxanthin, 715–16
Indirect competitive immunoassay, 871
Indoleamines, 820
Infant formulae, 484
Inflammatory mediators, 799
Inhibition assay, 863
Inhibitors, 200
Insect cells, 141
Insecticide, 574, 867–8
Institute of Food Technologists, 4
Interchain disulphide bond, 863
Internalins, 870

International Commission on Enzymes, 109
International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 109
International Union of Biochemistry, 109
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 109
Intrachain disulphide bond, 863
Inulin, 678
Invertases, 192
Ion exchange, 14, 142–3, 266, 765–7
Ionic polarization, 749
Ionic strength, 99
Ionizing radiations, 753, 795
Ion-selective electrode, 31
Iraxanthin, 715
Irradiation, 201
Isoamaranthine, 715
Isobetanin, 715
Isoelectric point, 96
Isoflavones, 681, 714
Isomerases, 110, 126, 195
Iso-phyllocactin, 715
Isotonic solution, 94
Isprenoid, 547
IUB,see alsoInternational Union of Biochemistry
IUBMB, 179
IUBMB,see alsoInternational Union of Biochemistry and Molecular
IUPAC,see alsoInternational Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

Journal of Food Biochemistry, 4

Kaempferol, 714
Kininogen, 458
Kjeldahl method, 27, 36
Klebsiella pneumonia, 870
Kluyvermomyces, 183
Koumiss, 518
Kunitz-type inhibitors, 662

L. acidophilus, 676–7
L. bulgaricus, 677
L. delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus, 679
L. monocytogenes, 751, 794, 869–71
L. rhamnosus, 681
LABheterofermentative, 605
LABhomofermentative, 605
Lactalbumin, 504
α-lactalbumin (ALA), 801–2
β-lactamases, 835
β-lactams, 836
Lactase, 15, 191, 676, 680
Lactate dehydrogenase, 186
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB), 333–4, 427–30, 474, 601, 604–5, 666,
676, 696
Lactic acid fermentations, 679
Lactic acid, 230, 293, 355, 429–30, 666, 868
Lactobacillus acidophilus, 676
Lactobacillus delbrueckiisubsp.bulgaricus, 676
Lactobacillus helveticusR052, 677
Lactobacillus plantarum, 681, 752
Lactobacillus reuteri, 681
Lactobacillus rhamnosus, 676
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