Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

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  1. Client is able to communicate assertively with others.Outcome Criteria 7. Ensure that therapy groups offer client simple methods of 8. Teach assertiveness techniques: the ability to recognize the 9. Teach effective communication techniques, such as the use 10. Assist client in performing aspects of self-care when required. 1. Client is able to verbalize positive aspects of self.etition of desirable behaviors.self-esteem.of “I” messages. “I-statements” can be used to take owner-differences among passive, assertive, and aggressive behaviors, and the importance of respecting the human rights of others while protecting one’s own basic human rights. Positive feedback enhances self-esteem and encourages rep-enhanced by the ability to interact with others in an assertive manner.achievement. Offer recognition and positive feedback for Offer positive feedback for tasks performed independently. ship for one’s feelings rather than saying they are caused by the other person. actual accomplishments. front of other people!”me in front of other people, and I would prefer that you stop doing that.” “You-statements” put the other individual on the defensive. ExampleExample: “You are a jerk for criticizing me in Successes and recognition increase : “I feel angry when you criticize Mood Disorders: Depression Self-esteem is ●^135

2506_Ch06_125-144.indd 0135 2506 Ch 06 125 - 144 .indd Possible Etiologies (“related to”)[Developmental regression][Egocentric behaviors (which offend others and discourage ●Disturbed thought processes [delusional thinking][Fear of rejection or failure of the interaction][Impaired cognition fostering negative view of self ]Defi 0 4. Client sets realistic goals for self and demonstrates willing 3. Client expresses some optimism and hope for the future.enced by the individual and perceived as imposed by others and as a negative or threatened state; impaired social interaction is an insuf fi -cient or excessive quantity or ineffective quality of social exchange. 1 3 relationships)] 5 SOCIAL INTERACTIONSOCIAL ISOLATION/IMPAIRED attempt to reach them. nition: Social isolation is the condition of aloneness experi- 1 10/1/10 9:34:35 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 34 : 35 AM
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