(^) have BMIs of 18 (Priesnitz, 2005). National Center for Health Statistics indicate that lines for Americans). Based on criteria of the World Health Organization, (^) These guidelines, which were released by the National Heart, (^) Lung, and Blood Institute in July 1998, markedly increased the number of Americans considered to be overweight. The average ObesityDefiAmerican woman has a BMI of 26, and fashion models typically The following formula is used to determine the degree of obesity in an individual:defiThe BMI range for normal weight is 20 to 24.9. Studies by the ned as a BMI of 25.0 to 29.9 (based on U.S. Dietary Guide- nedthe parents, viewed by the child as a means of gaining and distorted eating patterns may represent a rebellion against by a stressor that the adolescent perceives as a loss of con-recognition. The child eventually begins to feel helpless trol in some aspect of his or her life.part of the child, who continues to seek love, approval, and remaining in control. The symptoms are often triggered and ambivalent toward the parents. In adolescence, these Body mass index (BMI) = obesity is defi ned as a BMI of 30.0 or greater. weight (kg)height (m)Eating Disorders (^2) overweight●^221 is
2506_Ch12_218-235.indd Sec1:221 2506 Ch 12 218 - 235 .indd lems, including hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis, and increased workload on the heart and lungs.Predisposing Factors to Obesity 1. Sec 1 Obesity is known to contribute to a number of health prob-Physiological a. b. c. : 221 and physical activity. Many overweight individuals lead Lifestyle Factors:production in Cushing’s disease.production in diabetes mellitus, and increased cortisone of the hypothalamus, hypothyroidism, decreased insulin associated with lesions in the appetite and satiety centers take exceeds caloric output in terms of basal metabolism than are expended. Weight gain occurs when caloric in-viewed as the ingestion of a greater number of calories Genetics:Physicaloverweight parents.been supported by studies of twins reared by normal and parents are obese (Halmi, 2008). This hypothesis has also ment of obesity in that 80% of offspring of two obese^ Factors: Genetics have been implicated in the develop-^ Factors^ Overeating and/or obesity has also been On a more basic level, obesity can be 1 10/1/10 9:35:59 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 35 : 59 AM