Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

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(^292) 6. Always call client by his or her name. If client experiences 7. Help client understand that there are more adaptive ways of 8. Wo r k w i t h c l i e n t t o c l a r i f y v a l u e s. D i s c u s s b e l i e f s , a t t i t u d e s , 9. Use of photographs of the client may help to establish or 10. Alleviate anxiety by providing assurance to client that^ helpful. client’s awareness of self as separate from others.ings of dignity and self-worth.he or she will not be left alone. validating his or her existence than self-mutilation. Contract with the client to seek out staff member when these feel-ings occur. clarify ego boundaries. places some of the responsibility for his or her safety with the client. Client safety is a nursing identify those values that have been (or are intended to and feelings underlying his or her behaviors. Help client feelings of depersonalization or derealization, orientation to be) incorporated as his or her own. Care must be taken by the nurse to avoid imposing his or her own value sys-tem on the client. the environment and correction of misperceptions may be clarifiation in early developmental level, client may not have established own value system. In order to accomplish this, ownership of beliefs and attitudes must be identifi●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATION ed.These interventions help to preserve client’s feel-A contract gets the subject out in the open and Because of underdeveloped ego and fiPhotographs may help to increase Early childhood traumas ed and x-

2 2506_Ch16_275-309.indd 0292 506 Ch 16 275 - 309 .indDefiOutcome Criteria 11. Use of touch is sometimes therapeutic in identity confi 2. Client claims ownership of those thoughts and feelings and capabilities.● 1. Client is able to distinguish between own thoughts and feel- 3. Client has clarifid 0 does not use projection in relationships with others.LOW SELF-ESTEEMings and those of others. 2 nition:inflmay predispose borderline clients to extreme fears of abandonment.provide reality for the client and serve to strengthen weak ego boundaries.tion. Before this technique is used, however, assess cultural 92 uences and degree of trust. Negative self-evaluating/feelings about self or self- ed own feelings regarding sexual identity.^ Touch and physical presence rma- 1 10/1/10 9:37:00 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 37 : 00 AM
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