Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

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feelings with a trusted individual may provide assistance 5. Encourage client to discharge pent-up anger through par- 7. Ident i f y ex tent of feel i ng s a nd sit u at ion s when lo s s of cont rol 6. Help client identify stressors that precipitate anxiety and 4. Encourage client to express angry feelings within appropri-ging, physical exercises, volleyball, punching bag, exercise remove self from situation). ate limits. Provide safe method of hostility release. Help cli-ent to identify source of anger, if possible. Work on adaptive coping skills for use outside the health-care system. occurs. Assist with problem-solving to identify behaviors sion and suicidal behaviors are sometimes viewed as anger turned inward on the self. If this anger can be verbalized in a nonthreatening environment, the client may be able to resolve these feelings, regardless of the discomfort involved.for protection of self and others (e.g., call support person, ticipation in large motor activities (e.g., brisk walks, jog-harm to self or others and development of a plan enables bike). greater measure of control over the situation.for discharging pent-up tension.before the client experiences a crisis situation.irritability and develop new methods of coping with these situations (e.g., stress reduction techniques, relaxation, and visualization skills). handling them reduces anxiety and allows client to feel a Physical exercise provides a safe and effective method Knowing stress factors and ways of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Recognition of potential for Depres-●^327
2 2506_Ch18_320-328.indd Sec1:327 506 Ch 18 320 - 328 .indd 10. Encourage participation in support group, psychotherapy,^ 9. At each visit, evaluate symptoms. Discuss those that may be 8. Encourage client to reduce or shift workload and social Outcome CriteriaS 1. Client participates willingly in treatment regimen and initi-ec 1 ates necessary lifestyle changes.:of therapy. 3 macological intervention may be required to enhance cop-ing abilities. For example, antidepressants may be admin-istered for depression that remains unresolved after other symptoms have been relieved.stress management program. client to take effective actions to meet safety needs.marital counseling, or other type of therapy as deemed nec-essary. exacerbation of symptoms.client and family members learn effective coping strategies and support lifestyle changes that may be needed.activities during the premenstrual period as part of a total most troublesome and continue to persist well after initiation 27 Professional assistance may be required to help the If traditional measures are inadequate, phar-Stress may play a role in the 1 10/1/10 9:37:29 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 37 : 29 AM

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