Complementary Therapies ●^381
Vitamin BMen: 1.2 mg (ND)***Whole grains, legumes, Essential for normal function-^1 (t hiamine)ing of nervous tissue; Women: 1.1 mg nuts, egg yolk, meat, (ND)***coenzyme in carbohydrate green leafy vegetablesmetabolism
Large doses may improve mental performance in people with Alzheimer’s disease.
Vitamin B^ Men: 1.3 mg (ND)***Meat, dairy products, whole Coenzyme in the metabolism^2 avin)or enriched grains, legumes, Women: 1.1 mg (riboflof protein and carbohydrate nuts(ND)***for energy
May help in the prevention of cataracts; high-dose therapy may be effective in migraine prophylaxis (Schoenen et al., 1998).
Men: 16 mg (35 mg)Milk, eggs, meats, legumes, Coenzyme in the metabolism Vitamin B 3 of protein and carbohydrates Women: 14 mg (niacin)whole grain and enriched for energy(35 mg)cereals, nuts
High doses of niacin have been successful in decreasing levels of cholesterol in some individuals.
Men and women: sh, grains, legumes, Coenzyme in the synthesis Meat, fiVitamin B 6 bananas, nuts, white and 1.3 mg (100 mg) (pyridoxine)and catabolism of amino acids; essential for metabo-sweet potatoesAfter age 50:lism of tryptophan to Men: 1.7 mg Women: 1.5 mgniacin
May decrease depression in some individuals by increasing levels of serotonin; defi ciencies may contribute to memory prob-lems; also used in the treatment of migraines and premenstrual discomfort.
Vitamin BNecessary in the formation of Men and women:Found in animal products (e.g.,^12 DNA and the production of 2.4 mcg (ND)***meats, eggs, dairy products)red blood cells; associated with folic acid metabolism
Defi ciency may contribute to memory problems. Vegetarians can get this vitamin from forti-fi ed foods. Intrinsic factor must be present in the stomach for absorption of vitamin B.^12 Continued
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