Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

  1. Help the client actualize the loss by talking about it. “When 2. Develop trust. Show empathy, concern, and unconditional 4. Help the client identify and express feelings. c. a. the events of the loss can help the client come to full aware-positive regard. ness of the loss.did it happen? How did it happen?” and so forth. recognize and accept personal feelings regarding the loss, grief work cannot progress. b. feelings include:therapeutic relationship.the feelings of helplessness into perspective by pointing out to prevent the loss. Help the client by reviewing the cir-Guilt.Anxiety and helplessness.that life was managed before the loss. Help the client to put Anger.prevent fidisplaced on others, or retroflgrief process.unjustifiEncourage the client to examine this anger and validate the appropriateness of this feeling. be prevented. admit to angry feelings, believing it is inappropriate and cumstances of the loss and the reality that it could not The client may feel that he or she did not do enough The anger may be directed at the deceased, at God, ed. Expression of this emotion is necessary to xation in this stage of grief.Developing trust provides the basis for a Feelings of guilt prolong resolution of the Help the client to recognize the way Some of the more problematic ected inward on the self. Loss and Bereavement Many people will not Until client can Reviewing ●^403
    2 2506_Ch24_390-405.indd 0403 506 Ch 24 390 - 405 .indd 5. Interpret normal behaviors associated with grieving and 0 7. Identify pathological defenses that the client may be using 6. Provide continuing support. If this is not possible by the 403 emotional support systems facilitates the grief process.nurse, then offer referrals to support groups. Support groups of individuals going through the same experiences can be (e.g., drug/alcohol use, somatic complaints, social isolation). the deceased was a part.involves getting past birthdays and anniversaries of which Assist the client in understanding why these are not healthy to accommodate to the loss and all its ramifivery helpful for the grieving individual. of the grief process will help prevent feelings of guilt gen-defenses and how they delay the process of grieving. provide client with adequate time to grieve. erated by these responses. Individuals need adequate time sion-making situations. ways that he or she managed situations effectively without help from others. Role-play life events and assist with deci-or she may not be able to carry on alone.The client may have fears that he The availability of Understanding cations. This The 1 10/1/10 9:38:49 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 38 : 49 AM

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