Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

  1. Ensure client that he or she is not alone when feeling inad-^ 2. Encourage client to ventilate feelings related to meaning of 2. Client verbalizes meaning and purpose in life that reinforces 3. Encourage client as part of grief work to reach out to previ- 1. Client verbalizes increased sense of self-concept and hope for Outcome Criteria 5. Contact spiritual leader of client’s choice, if he or she requests. 3. Client expresses personal satisfaction and support from Catharsis can provide relief and put life back into realistic perspective.hope, peace, and contentment.ously used religious practices for support. Encourage client to discuss these practices and how they provided support in the past. the future.own existence in the face of current loss. which he or she is familiar.spiritual practices.equate in the search for life’s answers. cannot.feelings and assurance that they are shared by others offer reassurance and an affidistress and often can do so when other support persons lieve he or she cannot go on living without the lost entity. These individuals serve to provide relief from spiritual Client may fi nd comfort in religious rituals with rmation of acceptability.Loss and Bereavement Validation of client’s Client may be-●^405

2506_Ch24_390-405.indd 0405 2506 Ch 24 390 - 405 .indd 0 ● 405 at the following websites:a. http://www.journeyofhearts.orgb. http://www.nhpco.orgc. http://www.hospicefoundation.orge. http://www.bereavement.orgf. references related to bereavement may be located h. INTERNET REFERENCES 1 10/1/10 9:38:50 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 38 : 50 AM
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