Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
● ● Adverse Reactions and Side Effects● ● ● ● ● MIRTAZAPINERoute and DosageDepression:● Interactions● ● ● ●^436 inhibit cytochrome P450 enzymes CYP2D6, CYP1A2, and ConstipationIncreases in cholesterol and triglyceride levelsDizzinessIncreased appetiteAdditive impairment in cognitive and motor skills with SSRIs depressants Increased effects of mirtazapine with concomitant use of SomnolenceCYP3A4Weight g a i nLife-threatening symptoms similar to neuroleptic malignant syndrome with concurrent use, or within 14 days of use of, MAOIsDry mouthPossible interaction with drugs that are metabolized by or Agranulocytosis single dose, preferably at bedtime. Dose may be increased at^ ●^ PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATIONS(e.g., PO: (Remeron) fl uoxetine, fl(e.g.,Initial dosage: 15 mg/day, administered in a benzodiazepines, alcohol uvoxamine) ) CNS

2 2506_Ch26_417-446.indd 1436 506 Ch 26 417 - 446 .ind● When switching to or from an MAOI:ExamplesdPhenelzine (Trade) NameIsocarboxazid Generic 1 elapse between discontinuation of an MAOI and initiation of (Marplan)therapy with mirtazapine. In addition, allow at least 14 days after stopping mirtazapine before starting an MAOI.intervals of 1 to 2 weeks, up to a maximum dose of 45 mg/day.(Nardil)^ INHIBITORSCHEMICAL CLASS: MONOAMINE OXIDASE 436 Pregnancy C/Not Category/Half-life (hr)C/2–3Established Indications●●●Unlabeled uses:●^ Depression^ DepressionPTSDMigraine prevention At least 14 days should Plasma Level Not well Not well Range Therapeutic establishedestablished Tabs: 15Forms (mg) Available Tabs: 10 1 10/1/10 9:39:24 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 39 : 24 AM
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