Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
Elderly clients: SELEGILINEExamples● Depression:Depression:TRANYLCYPROMINEDepression:PHENELZINEOlanzapine/fl uoxetine Generic (Trade) Name60 mg/day. necessary, dosage may be increased in increments of 3 mg/24 hr 12 mg/24 hr. at intervals of no less than 2 weeks up to a maximum dose of 60 to 90 mg/day in divided doses until therapeutic response (15 mg/day or every other day). is achieved. Then gradually reduce to smallest effective dose may increase by 10 mg/day, at 1- to 3-week intervals, up to (Symbyax)PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC COMBINATIONS^ TRANSDERMAL(Nardil)^ POPOThe recommended dosage is 6 mg/24 hr. Tra n sd e r m al pat ch:●Indications: Initial dose: 15 mg 3 times a day. Increase to : 30 mg/day in divided doses. After 2 weeks, of depressive episodes For the acute treatment associated with bipolar^ (Parnate)^ SYSTEM Initial dose: 6 mg/24 hr. If^ (Emsam) Available Forms (mg) Antidepressants ●^439

  • These medications are presented for general information only. For detailed Perphenazine/Chlordiazepoxide/information, the reader is directed to the chapters that deal with each of the specifiamitriptyline (Limbitrol)amitriptyline HCl (Etrafon) c drugs that make up these combinations. ●●●●^ For the treatment of to severe anxietyof treatment-resistant symptoms of depressionnia who have associated patients with schizophre-I disorder in adultsFor the treatment of depressionFor the acute treatment For the treatment of mod-erate to severe depression moderate to severe anxiety or agitation and depressed moodassociated with moderate Tabs: perphenazine 2/amitriptyline 10; Tabs: chlordiazepoxide 5/ Caps: olanzapine 3/fl uoxetine 25; perphenazine 4/amitriptyline 10; amitriptyline 12.5; olanzapine 12/fl uoxetine 25; perphenazine 2/amitriptyline 25; olanzapine 12/fl uoxetine 50perphenazine 4/amitriptyline 25; perphenazine 4/amitriptyline 50chlordiazepoxide 10/olanzapine 6/fl uoxetine 25; olanzapine 6/fl uoxetine 50; amitriptyline 25
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