Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
Mood-Stabilizing Drugs ●^449
Pregnancy Generic (Trade) Categories/NameHalf-life (hr) Indications
Therapeutic Plasma Level RangeAvailable Forms (mg)
● EpilepsyCarbamazepine* D/25–65 (initial)●12–17 (repeated Trigeminal neuralgia(Tegretol, Epitol, Carbatrol, doses)Equetro, Teril, Tegretol-XR)Unlabeled uses:● Bipolar disorder (FDA approved: Equetro only)● Borderline personality disorder● Management of alcohol withdrawal● Restless legs syndrome● Postherpetic neuralgia
4–12 mcg/mLTabs: 100, 200 Tabs XR: 100, 200, 400 Caps XR: 100, 200, 300 Oral suspension: 100/5 mL
● Petit mal, akinetic, and myoclonic C/18–60 Clonazepam (C-IV) (Klonopin)seizures● Panic disorderUnlabeled uses:● Acute manic episodes● Restless leg syndrome● Neuralgias
20–80 ng/mLTabs: 0.5, 1, 2
●D/5 –20 EpilepsyValproic acid* (Depakene, Depakote, Unlabeled uses:●Stavzor, Depacon) Manic episodes (FDA approved: Stavzor only)● Migraine prophylaxis (FDA approved: Stavzor only) ● Borderline personality disorder
50–150 mcg/mLCaps: 250 Caps (DR): 125, 250, 500 Syrup: 250/5 mL Tabs (DR): 125, 250, 500 Tabs (ER): 250, 500 Caps (sprinkle): 125 Injection: 100/mL in 5 mL vial


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