Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
Interactionsextreme environmental heat • Patients taking atropine or ● ● Route and Dosage Use Cautiously in:• Respiratory, renal, hepatic, thyroid, or cardiovascular dis-orders • Elderly or debilitated patients • Patients exposed to blood dyscrasias • Parkinson’s disease • Severe hypotension or atropine-like drugs • Elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis (● Adverse Reactions and Side Effectshypertension • Circulatory collapse • Children <12 years old ● ● Schizophrenia:● Pregnancy and lactation (Additive anticholinergic effects with other drugs that have Refer to this section under Phenothiazines. Possible additive hypotension with Concurrent use with Additive CNS depression with depressantsanticholinergic propertiessevere hypotension.conditions): to 15 mg/day. black box warningInitial dosage: 2 mg three times a day. May increase (Severe conditions): Adults and children epinephrine • Patients with history of seizures safety not established) Initial dosage: 5 mg 2 times a or alcohol antihypertensive agentsAntipsychotic Agents dopamine≥12 years: and other ) may result in PO: ●(Mild^ CNS^477

2 2506_Ch28_472-501.indd 1477 506 Ch 28 472 - 501 .indd 1 Examples ● Name Generic Haloperidol (Trade) 47 day. Optimal dose is 20 to 30 mg/day. If needed, may increase gradually, not to exceed 60 mg/day. (Haldol) 7 PHENYLBUTYLPIPERADINES^ CHEMICAL CLASS: Half-life Pregnancy Categories/C/~18 hr (oral); ~3 wk (IM decanoate) ●●Indications●●●Unlabeled uses:^ hiccoughsIntractable hyperactivity problems and Pediatric behavior Nausea and vomitingTouret te’s disorderPsychotic disorders Inj (decanoate): 50/mL; Inj (lactate): 5/mL Conc: 2/mLAvailable Forms (mg)Tabs: 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 100/mL Continued 1 10/1/10 9:40:05 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 40 : 05 AM
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