Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

(^492) ● ActionMajor Depression, Adjunctive Therapy:Example ● Agitation Associated with Schizophrenia or Bipolar ● Generic Name (Trade) Asenapineof dopamine and serotonin type 2 (5-HTEffiMechanism of action in the treatment of acute manic episodes dose: 2 to 5 mg as adjunctive treatment for patients already of 5 mg/day at intervals of at least 1 week. Maintenance dosage: Mania:2 to 15 mg/day. 5.25 mg, based on clinical situation. May give additional doses up to a maximum of 30 mg/day if needed for agitation. taking an antidepressant. May increase dosage in increments (Saphris) CHEMICAL CLASS: DIBENZO-OXEPINO PYRROLE^ cacy in schizophrenia is achieved through a combination ●^ PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATIONS Adults: Categories/Pregnancy C/24Half-life (hr)IM: Usual dose: 9.75 mg. May use a dose of Indications●● Bipolar maniaSchizophrenia 2 ) antagonism. Adults: Forms (mg)Tabs (Sublingual): 5,10Available PO: Initial

● tes • Patients with preexisting low WBC count and/or history ● of QT prolongation or arrhythmias • Concurrent use of other drugs known to prolong QT intervalUse Cautiously in:diovascular insuffi● Contraindicated in:of drug-induced leukopenia/neutropenia • History of seizures • History of suicide attempt • Patients at risk for aspiration pneu-monia • Pregnancy and children (Contraindications and Precautions: patients with dementia-related psychosis (● Adverse Reactions and Side Effectsis unknown. ConstipationDry mouthNausea and vomitingWeight g a i n ciency • Diabetes or risk factors for diabe- • Patients with hepatic, renal, or car- • Hypersensitivity • Lactation • History safety not establishedblack box warning) • Elderly )

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