Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

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(^524) Adderall XR) ADHD:● AMPHETAMINENarcolepsy:Route and Dosage ● Children 6 to 12 years of age● Children 3 to 5 years:● Patients with diabetes mellitus who take amphetamines may Concomitant use of amphetamines and nethidine and other antihypertensives.Amphetamines may reverse the hypotensive effects of Hastened elimination of amphetamines with santsrequire or 2 times a day. May be increased in increments of 5 mg at intervals up to a maximum of 60 mg/day. once daily in the morning. May increase in increments of in increments of 2.5 mg/day at weekly intervals. 10 mg/day; may increase in increments of 10 mg/day at weekly dose: 40 mg/day. weekly intervals until optimal response is obtained. Maximum 10 mg at weekly intervals. Maximum dose: 30 mg/day.younger than 12 years. When it does occur, initial dose is intervals up to a maximum of 60 mg/day. 5 mg/day. May increase in increments of 5 mg/day at weekly^ ●^ may increase blood levels of both drugs. Adults and children PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATIONSinsulin Adults and children /DEXTROAMPHETAMINEadjustment. Extended-release caps: PO: Initial dose: 2.5 mg/day. May increase : PO: ≥6 years:Narcolepsy is rare in children ≥12 years PO: MIXTURESInitial dosage: 10 mg tricyclic antidepres-Initial dose: 5 mg 1 : urinary acidifiPO: Initial dose: (Adderall; gua- ers

2 2506_Ch31_522-537.indd 1524 506 Ch 31 522 - 537 .indNarcolepsy:Children 3 to 5 years:DEXTROAMPHETAMINEChildren 6 to 12 years:Children ADHD:d doses. Sustained-release capsules should not be used as initial at weekly intervals until response is obtained or 60 mg is reached.(Sustained-release capsules should not be used as initial in increments of 2.5 mg/day at weekly intervals until optimal at weekly intervals. More than 40 mg/day is seldom required. 1 day at weekly intervals until response is obtained or 60 mg is reached. therapy.once or 2 times a day. May be increased in increments of 5 mg therapy.)response is achieved. 524 ≥Adults and children 12 years:^ Adults:^ PO:^ PO:PO:^ SULFATEPO: 10 mg/day. May increase by 10 mg/day Initial dose: 2.5 mg/day. May increase 5 to 60 mg/day in single or divided 5 mg/day. May increase by 5 mg/≥6 years:^ (Dexedrine; Dextrostat)^ PO: Initial dosage: 5 mg 10/1/10 9:40:54 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 40 : 54 AM
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