Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
● BupropionAction● ● ● ● Contraindications and Precautions Contraindicated in:with or within 2 weeks after discontinuing an MAO inhibitor • LactationAtomoxetine● Action in the treatment of ADHD is unclear. neurotransmitter norepinephrine.Known or suspected seizure disorderNarrow-angle glaucomaBupropion is a weak inhibitor of the neuronal uptake of norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine. Acute phase of myocardial infarctionAtomoxetine selectively inhibits the reuptake of the Agents Used to Treat Attention-Defi • Hypersensitivity • Coadministration cit/Hyperactivity Disorder ●^531

possible risks to fetus● SR = 12-hour tablets; XL = 24-hour tablets.● Use Cautiously in:● with urinary retention • Hypertension • Hepatic, renal, or car-diovascular insuffi● ● ● ● ● ● cidal risk● Atomoxetine● Adverse Reactions and Side Effects● NameBupropion Generic (Trade) tives (increased risk of seizures) Nausea and vomitingAnorexiaConstipationClients undergoing abrupt discontinuation of alcohol or seda-Dry mouthClients with bulimia or anorexia nervosaSexual dysfunctionInsomnia or sedationHeadacheChildren younger than 6 years (DizzinessUrinary retention(Wellbutrin; Wellbutrin SR; Wellbutrin XL)) • Elderly and debilitated patientsPregnancy Half-life (hr)B/8–24 hrCategories/ ciency • Pregnancy () • Children and adolescents ( • Clients with suicidal ideation • Clients ●Unlabeled use :●Indications^ safety not establishedADHDDepressionuse only if benefimay increase sui-Tabs SR: 100, 150, Tabs: 75, 100Available Forms (mg) Tabs XL: 150, 300^200 ts outweigh )

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