Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
5. Defi8. Risk for activity intolerance related to post-ECT confusion 4. Prior to the treatment, client should void, dress in night 3. Client should receive nothing by mouth (NPO) on the 3. Decreased cardiac output related to vagal stimulation occur- 2. Ensure that most recent laboratory reports (complete blood 4. Disturbed thought processes related to side effects of tempo- 1. Ensure that physician has obtained informed consent and 5. Take baseline vital signs and blood pressure.● 6. Anxiety (moderate to severe) related to impending therapy. 7. Self-care defi 6. Administer cholinergic blocking agent (e.g., atropine sul-^582 and risks of, ECT.and memory loss. NURSING INTERVENTIONS FOR CLIENT RECEIVING ECT rary memory loss and confusion.stage.ring during the ECT.^ morning of the treatment.eyeglasses or contact lenses. Bedrails should be raised.count [CBC], urinalysis) and results of ECG and x-ray examination are available.clothes (or other loose clothing), and remove dentures and that a signed permission form is on the chart.● cient knowledge related to necessity for, and side effects^ APPENDIX G cit related to incapacitation during postictal

2 2506_Appendix_G_580-582.indd 582 506 _AppendixG 580 - 5 11. Allow client to verbalize fears and anxieties associated with^ 9. After the procedure, take vital signs and blood pressure 8. Administer oxygen and provide suctioning as required.12. Reassure client that memory loss and confusion are only^ 10. Stay with client until he or she is fully awake. 7. Assist physician and/or anesthesiologist as necessary in the 82 .inprevent aspiration.administration of intravenous medications. A short-acting anesthetic, such as methohexital sodium (Brevital sodium), ment, as ordered by the physician, to decrease secretions is given along with the muscle relaxant succinylcholine the treatment.chloride (Anectine).and increase heart rate (which is suppressed in response to temporary. vagal stimulation caused by the ECT).every 15 minutes for the fifate, glycopyrrolate) approximately 30 minutes before treat-dd 582 rst hour. Position client on side to 1 10/1/10 9:30:53 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 30 : 53 AM

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