Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
Goals/Objectives[Inability to separate own physiological and emotional needs Interventions with Possible Etiologies (“related to”)[Unfulfiof discharge from treatment.[Neurological alterations][Inadequate sensory stimulation]Definize physical and emotional self as separate from others) by time 1. Function in a one-to-one relationship with child. [Increased levels of anxiety resulting from contact with others][Inability to differentiate own body boundaries from those of Client will develop ego identity (evidenced by ability to recog-[Repeating words he or she hears others say or mimicking move-Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence Short-term GoalClient will name own body parts and body parts of caregiver within specifiLong-term Goalments of others]from those of others]others] ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”) ed time (depending on severity and chronicity of disorder). lled tasks of trust versus mistrust] Selected Rationales Consisten-●^25

2 2506_Ch02_014-053.indd Sec1:25 506 Ch 02 014 - 053 .indd 2. Assist child to recognize separateness during self-care activi-Outcome Criteria 5. Use mirrors and drawings or pictures of child to reinforce 1. Client is able to differentiate own body parts from those of 4. Gradually increase amount of physical contact, using touch 2. Client communicates ability to separate self from environ- 3. Point out and assist child in naming own body parts. Sec 1 ties, such as dressing and feeding. interpreted by client as of staff–client interaction enhances the establishment of child’s learning of body parts and boundaries. activity may increase child’s awareness of self as separate from others.others.child’s awareness of self as separate from others.ment by discontinuing use of echolalia (repeating words heard) and echopraxia (imitating movements seen). to point out differences between client and nurse. Be cautious with touch until trust is established, : 25 These activities increase because this gesture may This 10/1/10 9:33:18 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 33 : 18 AM

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