Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1 planning care for the client exhibiting the specifiFollowing is a list of client behaviors and the NANDA nursing 618 BehaviorsDiagnoses to Client Assigning Nursing Adiagnoses that correspond to the behaviors and that may be used Anorexia or refusal to eatBehaviors Aggression; hostilityAnxious behavior DelusionsDetoxifiDenial of problemsDepressed mood or anger Confusion; memory lossturned inwardfrom substancesPPENDIX cation; withdrawal^ N Anxiety (Specify level)Risk for injuryDisturbed thought processesComplicated grievingNANDA Nursing DiagnosesRisk for injury; Risk for other-Confusion, acute/chronic; Imbalanced nutrition: Less than Ineffective denialbody requirementsImpaired memorydirected violenceDisturbed thought processes; c behavioral

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