Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

Amphetamines, 522–525American Nurses Association (ANA), 1Amnesia, dissociative, 191Amnestic disordersAmenorrhea, antipsychotic-related, 497electroconvulsive therapy-induced, 581Internet references on, 70movie(s) involving, 70adverse reactions and side effects of, 523action of, 522–523DSM-IV-TR classifimovie(s) involving, 200client/family education for, 536–537defisymptomatology of, 52DSM-IV-TR classifisubstance-induced, 58predisposing factors in, 52–57nursing diagnoses and interventions fortrauma risk, 58–60disturbed sensory perception, 65–67low self-esteem, 67–68self-care defichronic confusion, 62–64self-/other-directed violence, 60–62caregiver role strain, 68–70 nition of, 57 cit, 64–65 cation of, 598 cation of, 597 SUBJECT INDEX ●^641
2506_Subject Index_639-682.indd 641 2506 Subject Index 639 - 68 AnorexiaANA standards of practice, 3Anger notebook, 31Anorexia nervosaANA (American Nurses Association), 1 2 .innursing diagnoses related to, 534DSM-IV-TR classifinursing implications of, 534–535Internet references on, 234–235route and dosage of, 524–525use/abuse of, 73, 75t, 80, 81DSM-IV-TR classifiwithdrawal from, 81, 91contraindications and precautions for, 523examples of, 522tinteractions of, 523–524Internet references on, 537SSRI-related, 424stimulant-related, 535intoxication with, 81defidd nition of, 218 641 cation for, 598–599 cation of, 606 1 10/1/10 9:41:57 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 41 : 57 AM

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