Anorgasmia, 204Antianxiety agents, 406–416^642 symptomatology of, 218–219nursing implications of, 415–416nursing diagnoses and interventions forDSM-IV-TR classifiin disruptive behavior disorders, 31nursing diagnoses related to, 415intoxication with, 89tclient/family education for, 416carbamate derivative, 412–413in borderline personality disorder, 284benzodiazepines, 408–412predisposing factors in, 219–221movie(s) involving, 235azaspirodecanediones, 413–415Internet references on, 416antihistamines, 406–408in antisocial personality disorder, 298in eating disorders, 229^ anxiety, 228–229ineffective coping, 226–227imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements, 222–224disturbed body image, 229–231defilow self-esteem, 229–231●^ cient flSUBJECT INDEX uid volume, 224–226 cation related to, 601–602
2506_Subject Index_639-682.indd 642 2506 Subject Index 639 Anticholinergic effects, antiparkinsonian agent-related, 508Anticonvulsants, 449–457Antidepressants, 417–446Anticholinergics, 502–505- 68 contraindications and precautions for, 451examples of, 449t–450tinteractions of, 452t–453troute and dosage for, 454–457action of, 503alpha-2 receptor antagonists, 435–436client/family education for, 444–446adverse reactions and side effects of, 503client/family education for, 509–510contraindications and precautions for, 503withdrawal from, 89texamples of, 502tnursing diagnoses related to, 507nursing implications of, 508route and dosage for, 504–505use/abuse of, 85, 89taction of, 451 2 .indd 642 1 10/1/10 9:41:57 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 41 : 57 AM