- Encourage client to identify true feelings, and to acknowl- 2. Provide activities geared toward reduction of tension and 6. Use of touch is comforting to some clients. However, nurse 1. Establish a trusting relationship with client. Be honest, con- (^) 7. As anxiety diminishes, assist client to recognize specifiInterventions with (^) 5. Offer support during times of elevated anxiety. Reassure 4. Nurse must maintain an atmosphere of calmness;^40 in the nurse–client relationship.must be cautious with its use, decreasing anxiety (walking or jogging, volleyball, musical exercises, housekeeping chores, group games). nursing priority.anxiety are released safely and with beneficlient of physical and psychological safety. physical activities.as aggression.suspicion in some individuals who might misinterpret touch sistent in responses, and available. Show genuine positive a relationship between emotional problems and their anxi-ety. Use of the defense mechanisms of projection and dis-placement is exaggerated.regard. events that preceded its onset. Work on alternative responses is easily transmitted from one person to another.edge ownership of those feelings. ●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONHonesty, availability, and acceptance promote trust^ Selected Rationalesbecause anxiety may foster Anxious clients often deny t to client through Client safety is a Tension and anxiety c