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(Elle) #1 February 2014 73

crosscutting concerns. The Unity container instantiates objects

of the derived type at run time. Instance interception can only

intercept public instance methods. Type interception can intercept

both public and protected virtual methods. Keep in mind that,

due to platform constraints, Unity interception does not support

Windows Phone and Windows Store app development, though

the core Unity container does.

For a primer on Unity, see “Dependency Injection with Unity”

(Microsoft patterns & practices, 2013) at For more

information about interception in the Unity container, see the

MSDN Library article, “Interception using Unity,” at

Intercepting Task-Based Asynchronous Pattern

(TAP) Asynchronous Methods

Th e interception mechanism is simple enough, but what happens

if the intercepted method represents an asynchronous operation

that returns a Task object? In a way, nothing really changes: A

method is invoked and returns a value (the Task object) or throws

an exception, so it can be intercepted just like any other method.

But you’re probably interested in dealing with the actual outcome

of the asynchronous operation rather than the Task representing

it. For example, you might want to log the Task’s return value, or

handle any exception the Task might produce.

Fortunately, having an actual object representing the out-

come of the operation makes interception of this asynchro-

nous pattern relatively simple. Other asynchronous patterns

are quite a bit more diffi cult to intercept: In the Asynchronous

Programming Model ( two methods represent

a single asynchronous operation, while in the Event-based

Asynchronous Pattern ( asynchronous opera-

tions are represented by a method to initiate the operation

and an associated event to signal its completion.

In order to accomplish the interception of the

asynchronous TAP operation, you can replace the Task

returned by the method with a new Task that performs

the necessary post-processing after the original Task

completes. Callers of the intercepted method will receive the new

Task matching the method’s signature, and will observe the result

of the intercepted method’s implementation, plus whatever extra

processing the interception behavior performs.

We’ll develop a sample implementation of the basic approach to

intercept TAP asynchronous operations in which we want to log the

completion of asynchronous operations. You can adapt this sample to

create your own behaviors that can intercept asynchronous operations.

Simple Case

Let’s start with a simple case: intercepting asynchronous methods

that return a non-generic Task. We need to be able to detect that

the intercepted method returns a Task and replace that Task with

a new one that performs the appropriate logging.





Proxy Object or
Derived Class

Target Object or
Original Class

Behavior Behavior Behavior

Behaviors Pipeline



Figure 1 Unity Interception Mechanism

public class LoggingAsynchronousOperationInterceptionBehavior : IInterceptionBehavior
public IMethodReturn Invoke(IMethodInvocation input,
GetNextInterceptionBehaviorDelegate getNext)
// Execute the rest of the pipeline and get the return value
IMethodReturn value = getNext()(input, getNext);

return value;

#region additional interception behavior methods

public IEnumerable<Type> GetRequiredInterfaces()
return Type.EmptyTypes;

public bool WillExecute
get { return true; }


Figure 2 Simple Interception

public IMethodReturn Invoke(IMethodInvocation input,
GetNextInterceptionBehaviorDelegate getNext)
// Execute the rest of the pipeline and get the return value
IMethodReturn value = getNext()(input, getNext);

// Deal with tasks, if needed
var method = input.MethodBase as MethodInfo;
if (value.ReturnValue != null
&& method != null
&& typeof(Task) == method.ReturnType)
// If this method returns a Task, override the original return value
var task = (Task)value.ReturnValue;
return input.CreateMethodReturn(this.CreateWrapperTask(task, input),

return value;

Figure 3 Returning a Task

Fortunately, having an actual

object representing the

outcome of the operation makes

interception of this asynchronous

pattern relatively simple.

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