- Note: Operating cost shall be validated with present condition
7.5 Conclusion
The overall cost is tabulated in Table -1, which shows a saving in the cost of about
Rs 113.6 Lacs if RABH Discharges with chain conveyor system instead of RABH
discharge with air slide. Also there is a saving of about one month of construction
time in RABH discharge with chain conveyor as compared with RABH discharge
with air slide.
Therefore, it is recommended to go with Reddler conveyor / chain conveyor
instead of air slide beneath Bag House.
S. N. Item Rate Unit
RABH Discharge with
Air slide
RABH Discharge
with Chain
Qty. Amount Qty. Amount
3 Actual power consumption KW 7.31 10.7
4 Power tariff INR 4.5 4.5
5 Power cost per Annum Rs.in Lacs 2.61 3.82
Additional ducting
work (Approx.25
Rs.in Lacs 15 Nil
Difference in
Mechanical cost Rs.in Lacs 4.41
C Total cost (Civil +Mechanical) Rs.in Lacs 436 322.4
D Difference in Total C o s t Rs.in Lacs 113.6
Difference in
Operating cost per
Rs.in Lacs 1.22