technical NOTES

(Project Pridr) #1

7.4 Building Cost Analysis:
A Typical building cost analysis is shown in below Table:

Reddler Conveyor

S. N. Item Rate Unit

RABH Discharge with
Air slide

RABH Discharge
with Chain
Qty. Amount Qty. Amount
A. Civil
1 Excavation 450 M3 2232 1004598 1542 693900
2 PCC/Plum 2785 M3 86 239590 80 222822
3 RCC 3402 M3 2515 8556812 1865 6345512
4 Formwork 400 m2 12679 5071428 9079 3631428
5 Reinforcement 41000 MT 364 14937612 273 11206612
6 Structural Steel 56000 MT 36 2029160 22 1245160
7 Cement 3630 MT 1006 3651780 756 2744280
8 Miscellaneous 3733837 2833843
Total Amount Rs. 39224817 28923558
Say Lacs 392 289
9 Construction time month 8 7
Difference in Civil
Costing Lacs^103
B. Mechanical
1 Cost of Equipment Lacs 29 33.41
2 Power installed KW 15 22
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