technical NOTES

(Project Pridr) #1

4. Electrical and Instrumentation

4.1 Basic Plant Design Concept – Layout

E&I Layout Concept for plant design on basis on following: -

  • Location finalization for the E&I Equipment like MCC, HT Panels, DCS System,
    UPS etc. as the available area & utilized it in optimized way.

  • Layout for AQC & PH IMCC based on the span of the boilers area form main TG
    location accordingly panel positioning arrangement done with RIO panels.

  • Cable tray & routing layout on the basis of number of cables run required in the
    respective area & the shortest route preferred for optimize use of material.

  • Lighting Layout of the plant system as per the requirement of Lux level & the
    classification of area like frequent operational area.

  • Control room layout with the central console system for operation of WHRS,
    LVS arrangement & the all STG panels location with adjacent to control room for
    better monitoring of panels with minimum manpower.

  • Earthing & Lightening system layout design concept is to make system safe for
    human as well machines for smooth operation of system. The complete protection
    to the system is being cover with adequate number of earth pit & it connection
    with grid as well as the lightening protection layout to ensure the safety from
    abnormal climatic condition to that particular zone.

  • AC layout – it is applicable for the central control room & the office area only.
    In central control room provision of duct able AC & rest office area provision of
    standalone Hi-wall AC.

  • Fire Alarm system – FAS system covers the main area of plant which is cable
    cellar, Panel Room, UPS Room, Battery Room & CCR. Main control of system is
    installed at CCR.

  • PA System: - Quantity & location to be confirmed during the layout design. (If

  • SLD Layout to be finalize for the WHRS System as per system requirement &
    Calculation & it’s to be incorporated with cement plant for details of evacuation
    panel for utilization of generated power.

  • Location of instruments should be accessible height for O&M purpose or the
    approach should be for all the instruments.

4.2 Basic Plant Design Concept – Infrastructure

  • Accessible platform for movement where E&I Equipment installed

  • Camera should be install for better monitoring as well as safety purpose.

  • Proper Lighting arrangement in night time.

  • Office arrangement for Site staffs

  • Power arrangement as per requirement of project well in advance source to be

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