technical NOTES

(Project Pridr) #1

  • AC Package: -
    ƒPackaged AC Selection – Working + 1Sandby Units
    ƒSelection for rating of units based on Heat load calculation of Area.
    ƒOffice area cover with Standalone Hi-wall split AC.

  • UPS System –
    ƒUPS selection on 1hours battery back-up with redundant system for WHRS.
    ƒ2X25KVA UPS redundant system with SCVS for bypass mode operation (in
    case of requirement)
    ƒSelection of requirement basis on the application like for DCS, Switch boards,
    or as per vendor load list.
    ƒ2 Set of batteries considered for the system to get adequate back-up time in
    power failure mode.

  • DC System –
    ƒDC system selected on basis of 1 hour’s batter back-up –redundant system
    ƒDC load calculation reference taken from vendor load list as per no. of DC
    ƒRequirement of DC system in switchboard (if applicable)
    ƒ2 set of batteries considered for this system

  • Lighting system –
    ƒLED lights is being considered due to less power consumption & reliability of
    ƒQuantity of lights as per lux level requirement of area.
    ƒLights system to be design & BOM is extracted on basis of details engineering

  • Cables: -
    ƒSelection of cables based on the load
    ƒDistance between source station to load point
    ƒVoltage drop consideration for cable size selection
    ƒDifferent types of cable like HT, LT, Control & Instrumentation as per application
    ƒMostly consider Aluminum conductor with XLPE Insulation grade for LT cable.
    ƒCost optimization

  • Earthing System: -
    ƒConventional earthing system with GI earth flat.
    ƒIS reference – IS 3043
    ƒNumber of earth pit to be calculated on the basis of ground earth report &
    details engineering

  • Net metering System: -
    ƒSelection is based on local government statutory compliance.

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