The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

94 TheSpiritual Life.

develop,the formsmust be continuallychang-

ing, for each form is first an instrument and

lateraprison. Asthelatentpowersinalife-

inseparate everfrom the one Life as a plant

from its hidden root-are drawn out by the


was its helpfulvehicle becomes itsencramping

mould. What thencanhappen? Either the


ortheformmust breakinto piecesandsetfree

thelifeinanembryonicform of a highertype.

Butthe lifecannotperish,beinganoffshootof

the Eternal; hencetheformmustbreak. The

breaking of a series of forms round an ever-


The expansionofthislifemaybelikenedto



to sapling, from sapling to tree, capable of

yielding seeds like that from which it grew.

All growthis theunfoldingof hidden powers,

powers that in a LoGOS have reached their

highestpoint for thatuniverse-Hisuniverse-

and that Heplantsasseedofeveryseparated

life. Aswater ever rises to its own level so

does thisdown-poured lifestrivetorisetothe

levelofitssource; asmassattractsmasssodoes

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