The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

96 TheSpiritual Life.

One Life is evolving through many imper-



Eachseparated life seeksthis Lifewhich is



These forms exclude each other and keep




itunitesitselftothe form,rejoicesoverit; the

formperishesandavoid isleft. Asoulseeks

love, and it finds a lovable form; it unites

itself to the form and joys in it; the form

perishesandthe heart lies desolate. Andthis

is the experience in its least sorrowful shape



thewearied relinquishmentof aprizesohardly

won. Disillusion treading on theheelsofdis-

illusion, and yet ever fresh illusion and ever


Searchthe world overand wefind thatall

the sufferings of normal evolution are due to

unionwiththe changing and dying forms, the

blind and foohsh seeking for a happiness that

shall endure by a clinging to the form that

perishes. These are "the delights that are

contact-born,"and because theyleadtoweari-

ness or, at the best, to loss, they are truly

described as "wombs of pain." As against

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