The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

148 The Spiritual Life.

That isthe first great step,andin orderto

beable to take itthere is one secret that we

must remember: we must do everything as

thoughtheGreat Powerweredoingit through

us. That is the secret of what is called

"inactioninthemidstofaction." If amanof

the world would become trulyspiritual,thatis

the thought that he must put behind all his

work. The counsel, the judge, the solicitor,

whatmustbethe motivemeach man'sheartif

m these ordinary affairsof life he would learn

thesecretof thespirit? Hemustregardhim-

self simplyasan incarnationof DivineJustice.

"What,"aman says, "in themidstof lawas

weknow it?" Yes, even there, imperfect as

it is, full of wrongs as it may be, it is the

Justice of God strivingto make itself supreme

on earth; and the man who would be a

spiritualmaninthe profession of the lawmust

thinkof himselfasanincarnationof the Divine

Justice, and always have at the heart of his

thought: "Iamthe Divinehandof Justicein

theworld,andasthat Ifollowlaw." Andso

in all else. Take Commerce. Commerce is

one of theways by which theworld lives—


partofthe Divineactivity. ThemanmCom-

merce must think of himself as part of that

circulating stream of life by which nations are

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