152 The Spiritual Life.
throughwhichthe Divine Lifepoursunceasing
knowsnostagnationand noweariness,andthe
more itoutpours the moreit receives. Letus
not,then,beafraidtogive. Themorewegive
the fuller shall be our life. Let us not be
deluded by the world of separateness, where
everything growslessaswegive it. If^1 had
1 gaveaway; butthatisnotsowiththethings
of thespirit; the more wegive,the morewe
have; each act of gift makes us a larger
reservoir. Thus we need havenofearof be-
coming empty, dry, exhausted; for all life is
behindus,anditsspringsareonewithus; once
weknow the life is not ours, oncewe realise
thatwearepartof amightyunity,thencomes
the realjoyof living,thenthetrue blessedness
ofthelifethatknowsitsowneternity. Allthe
small pleasures of the world which oncewere
soattractivefadeawayin thegloryof thetrue
true:" Hewholosethhislifeshall finditunto