The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

154 TheSpiritual Life.

than the goal. That as long as service is

consciously service of others, that is,of others

separated fromourown self,that thereis still


Some of you may remember that exquisite

Persian poem in which the lover, seeking his

beloved, finds closed against him the door of


From within the closed room sounds a voice

asking "Who asks for admission?" And

believingthathis lovewas the best claim that

couldbegivenforhis entry,heanswered, "It

is thy beloved that knocks." But there was

silencewithinthe roomandthe doorremained

closedagainstthesuppliant. Outintotheworld

hewentandlearned deeper lessonsof life,and

of love; and coming back once more to the

closed door, he struck thereon and asked for

entry. Againthevoicecame, '*Whoisitthat

knocks?" Buttheanswerthistimewasother

thanatfirst. Nolonger"Thybeloved"came




againitisnot twainbutone. Soitwouldseem

that in the highest ethic this is the true note

thatweshould strike,inasmuchas for ourbest

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