The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

Thcosophyand Ethics. 159

forallnatureisone. Theexpressionoftheone

divinewill isnature, and untilyoucanchange

thedivinev^illno lawthat istheexpression of

that will can be altered; and, therefore, in

morals as much as in physics,this imperative,

this categorical imperative, is hers. But un-

happily,ithasnotbeenundisputed; unhappily,

menhavethought theycouldplaywith morals

wheretheywould neverdreamofplayingwith

physical necessity. They have thought that


theyweresowingvirtueandviceinsteadof the

mere cornoroats. Andtheyhave wondered

andtheyhave not understoodwheneach seed

isripened afterits own nature,and the moral

seedhasripenedaccording tolaw,and givena

corrupt societyand degraded humanity and a


Does such teaching seem stern and cold?

Doesitseem asthough Man m a remorseless

universe,found in thewheels ofdestinyrolling

round him no place of refuge, no harbour in

which he might escape? Does he feel that


law is iron, and destiny cannot be escaped?

Mybrothers,illdoyoureadtheUniverseif to

youlawseemscruel,if toyoudeathmayseem

soulless. Lawisbutthewillofthedivine,and

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