The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

160 The Spiritual Life.

thedivinewhodesiresyourhappiness. Lawis

butthe expression of the perfect, and onlyin

perfectioncan joyand peace befound. Lose

sightofthiswillforamoment,of thosewheels

thatseemtocrush you,for though thewheels


is love. Therefore it isthat some of us who

have caught glimpses of this unity, who have

seen that love and justice are one, and that

injustice and crueltywould be identical,there-


wefeel thatwhile the lawischangelessitlifts

usinsteadof crushing us. And has not your

own Emerson taught you the same lesson?

Canyourememberinoneof those marvellous

essays of his he taught the great truth that

Nature onlylooks cruelwhileweoppose her;


toher. Forevery lawthatcrushesyouwhile

youopposeit lifts youwhen youareunitedto

it. Everyforce that isagainst youwhileyou

are lawless, is on your side when you make

yourself onewith law. Hetellsyouto hitch

yourwaggonontoastar,forthenthe waggon


you; and is it not a greater destiny even to

suffer untilwelearn thelaw,than to escapeit

and remainin ignorancewhen the lawis that

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