The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

164 The Spiritu&l Life.

it, and not by any of the lesser ties of per-

sonality that may bind us to him or may be

absentbetween him and us. Themeasureof

want-that is the measure of giving. The


wehavetoanswer. Andsoourteacherstrain


carryonthestrengthof that tothewiderduty,

andthus make ourlovetomanas the love of


finding in the pain but joy in the sacrifice,
becausethehappiness of the belovedisdeeper





thishuman brotherhood,andfromthatwestep

onward to deal with those who are not yet

quite touched with that light of reality which

makes the appeal to the divine m man the

mightiestof impulses.

For as man develops he answers to nobler

and nobler impulses, and at first, very often,

themethodof the teachermustbethemethod

of Nature,which allows mento learnbypain

the reality that I was speakingof with regard

to the law. And so by Karma we scent

another sanction forright ethics; so we teach

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