The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

The Supreme Duty.^171

inspires man with slrenglh lo accomplish il;

greatestof all isthat knowledgeof the human

soul which makes daily service the path of

progressand findsin thelowestworkthesteps



hereto represent,we havein the universeand

in man various planes of bemg, sevenfold m

theirfull enumeration. A brieferclassification

willserve me for the hints whichalone I can

throwout to-night. Letus take the plane of

the physical man and see what on that plane

theserviceof man mayconnote. First of all,

the serviceof man implies what was called by


of gaining ordinarylife, honest way of gaining

themeansof ordinaryexistence. Not aliveli-

hoodbasedonthecompelled serviceof others,

not a livelihood which takes everything and

gives nothing back, not a livelihood which

stretches out its hands to grasp andcloses its

fistswhengift isasked insteadof gain. Right


impliesthat yougiveasmuchas youtake,that

you render back more than you receive, that

you measure your work by your power of

service, not by your power of compulsion.

That the stronger yourbrain the greater your

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